Easter is precious to me.

I love that Easter is in the Spring and that both are a symbol of new beginnings. My life has been turn upside down and all around this year as I have deepened my commitment to the Lord. It's impossible to think about Easter and not talk about Him. I am who I am today because of it. If this is your first time reading my blog or you come and read my ramblings every day I want you to know I'm in love! He makes me smile.

Nothing to do with pictures, everything to do with my reason for living.

Richest blessings on you and your family during this season of remembering.


Noemi Hedrick

Noemi Hedrick is a passionate wedding and portrait photographer based in Minneapolis. Noemi loves capturing the beauty inside every person. Her vibrant energy for life, love and family are grounded in her own values and loved ones. Noemi has been proudly serving as a wedding photographer for over 15 years and also offers a wide range of photography workshops for professional and amateur photographers.