Summer Photo Contest!
Are you ready to vote? here's how...leave a comment describing your favorite photo and why it should win the Summer Photo Contest! Don't forget by leaving a comment on this post AND on Facebook (Search NOEMIPHOTOGRAPHY, click like and leave a comment on your favorite photo) You can vote twice - once on each page! The person with the most votes by July 15th, 2011 wins. (Now's the time to get out your address list and press Send-All!) May the best Summer Photo Win!
Here's your options:
To VOTE for your favorite photo leave a comment at the end of this post describing your pick and go to FACEBOOK and type in NOEMIPHOTOGRAPHY!
Taking your summer by the reigns - Summer Photo Contest! PART 2
After the longest winter ever we skipped spring and so far haven't really been able to enjoy summer...but all that's about to change. Are you ready? I am. I have contest for you. We are going to go looking for summer and capture it.
This idea was inspired by capturing my daughter at a play date last week. What do little girls like to do? Dress up! WHY NOT MAKE A PHOTO SHOOT OUT OF your own backyard? More on that in a minute. First I want to go over the rules:
1. Any image you submit has to have been taken by you this summer!
2. One image per person and it must be submitted by July 8th - yes, you have the holiday weekend so this is SOOO easy! (email me at:
3. I will post the pictures on my blog and on my Facebook page and you will have 1 week to get your friends and family to vote (each person can vote once on each!)
4. Lastly, you must have tons of fun doing this!
What are you entering for? Reason to get out the camera and take've never entered a photography contest before or you have entered tons and have never won or you've won everything you've ever entered, but love the challenge of one more are bored with your summer so far...and YOU WANT TO WIN A NoemiPhotography E-book!
I love this cause I don't pick the winner. YOU DO!
okay back to the inspiration of this contest. Here's some ideas of what you can do: girls playing outside dressed as princesses, fairies, queens, dancers, and then being themselves. (Yes, my daughter is wearing make-up and yes, her friends put it on for her! Sometimes you gotta let go a little!)
Winter Photography Contest!
I haven't run a contest in ages and I really miss it! So let's fix that!
CHRISTMAS IS IN 2 WEEKS! Can you believe that? I know we'll all frantically trying to take pictures or have them done of our families so that we can show the world how cute we are and how much we've changed over the last year - at least that's why I do it! Those kinds of shots are usually pretty functional. People want to see our faces and our kids faces. So, I'm running a contest of the opposite kind. Any super artsy pic of the season? One that you really want to use because it shows your skill but it doesn't fit the card?
I'll give you until next Friday night (December 18th) to submit your entry (only one please) and then your friends, family and my blog readers will vote! The art-sy image that captures the season and people hearts will win! AND YOU HAVE TO GET THE MOST VOTES!
Can't wait to see what you send me... :)
And the winner is...
First I want to say thank you to everyone for voting. I continually amazed at "the following" this blog has...over 5000 hits a month! And most are regular visitors! Even though I'm not sure why everyone reads my blog, I'm totally thankful and blessed by your support. I hope you are encouraged as a photographer, mother, business professional or whatever stage of life your in. I would love to hear from you and if you'd like me to write on any particular that the Spring Photo Contest is done the sky is the limit for what's next on the blogging docket.
The winner of the Spring Photo Contest is Jodi Hillen!!!! YEAH!
I loved this picture! Thank you for sending it I just need to get you your Itunes gift card!
Attention voters and photographers...
One more day of voting for your favorite image (or your friends photo) and then the contest winner will be announced! So...get on the phone, email your whole address list or advertise it on Facebook but get people to vote for you or your favorite picture so that it wins! I love having contests! Thanks for all your feed back on the changes to the photos. Wedding season is just around the corner and I can't wait to start posting slideshows of new photo shoots every week! Photography is ever changing and challenging...I can't wait to grow again as a photographer this year!
Spring Photo Contest - Vote for the Winner!
Here's the images that received the most votes in the last round! You have until midnight of Thursday, May 15th, to vote for your favorite! The winner will receive a $20 itunes gift card from NoemiPhotography! Choose Wisely...remember the theme is spring! I'm going to use this photo contest to teach a little "photography" techniques...remember it's just my opinion and it's not that I feel like the pictures were bad...I'm just giving a different way to look at them.
Photo A - I really like this picture but I would've liked to crop out the distractions in the background. I tried but it really changed the feel of the picture. I punched the colors a little and pretty much left it as is.
Photo B - I enhanced the colors...because they are so beautiful. We've talked about the rule of thirds before on the blog but, for those who are new, it basically means the photo is divided into thirds both horizontally and vertically. The corners where those divides meet are usually where your eye is drawn. I cropped the flowers out a little and moved the monument to be where the thirds meet. See if you think it makes a better picture.
Photo C - I cropped this photo too! Wanting to focus on the subject and not the forest. I also wanted to show you another example using the rule of thirds.
Photo D - I added more black to this photo so we can see more detail in the birds skin. I loved how raw and fragile this photo is and I wanted to enhance that feel!
Photo E - I cropped out the people who were not featured because they can be a distraction and I enhanced the color in the image. Always ask yourself "what am I taking a picture of?" and capture that to the fullest!
Alright those are your new choices! Vote for your favorite!
Spring Contest Winners
Ok...the contest is over...(Not counting the people who continued to vote after Sunday night) so here's the winners so far! Here they are; the top 5:
L,D, Q, S, C
I'm going to work on the images and re-release them tomorrow.
Spring Photo Contest Results!
Wow! After I made the last call for photos they started coming in by the floods! SO FUN! Okay, so I gave you tons of time and we got some real is the time for voting...get your friends and family involved! Remember there's a $25 gift card to ITUNES as the Grand Prize! Voting will start as soon as this post is up and end Sunday night. That gives you plenty of time to email your entire address book and tell them to vote for you! :) Photo A - Jill Whitehead
Photo B - Melissa Kruger
Photo C - Melissa Quebedeaux
Photo D - Calissa Kneip
Photo E -Kristi Fonseca
Photo F - Jenny Pena
Photo G - Shelly Jerrett
Photo H - Jill Derner
Photo I -Theresa Noble
Photo J - Kristin Pelham
Photo K - Becky Van Hofwegen
Photo L - Jodi Hillen
Photo M - Katie Copeland
Photo N - Shanda Collette
Photo O - Shannon Olgin
Photo P - Shannon Olgin's 8 year old daughter Sara's entry :) Nothing like using my blog to encourage the next generation of photographers!
Photo Q - Julie Bock
Photo R - Jenny Kunze
Photo T - Teri Sommer
Photo U - Jeremy Greenhouse
Photo V - Stephanie Funck
Photo W - Heather Cayless
Photo X - Karen
Photo Y - April Sauers
Photo Z - Sue Shetler
THIS IS THE BIGGEST PHOTO CONTEST TO DATE! I've run out of Letters...YIKES! Pay Attention when voting cause I'm going to use AA, BB, CC from this point on...
Photo AA - Rebecca
Photo BB - Kacy Johanson
Photo CC - Pam Booth
WOW-Eeeee! Can you believe it? I can't. I think next time I'll have to narrow it down somehow. Getting these pictures together for the blog took me an hour and half! That's a lot of time for a new mom! BUT, IT IS SOOOO WORTH IT! Aren't they pretty?
So, your votes will narrow it down to the top 5 images and then I'll retouch them and we'll pick our favorite again. Remember be sure and write what you like best about the photo and why it's your favorite.
I'm giddy...let the voting begin!
Update on the Spring Photo Contest!
I have tons of entries and will post the photos so that you can vote Friday, May 2nd. You will have until Sunday night (MAY 4th) to vote and this time I'd really like the voters to pick ONE picture and tell why it's their favorite photograph! Remember the theme is "SPRING!" I love the ones I've seen...I think just looking at these pictures will make you happy!
I can't wait to see who the winner will be this time!
Keep those photos coming...
I've received a few pictures for the spring contest but I want more. I received an email from a reader today asking about sending a picture of a baby and YES that is perfect for this contest! It's just what ever spring means to you and I'm all for babies being born in the spring! Just send a small jpeg to with your information (name and city) and you'll be entered into the contest. The prize is a $20 gift card to Itunes (where you can get all the American Idol songs if you want to!) So, take some pictures and send me your favorite!
Can't wait to see what you send me.
Spring Photo Contest!
I've already received a few entries for the Spring Photo Contest but I wanted to send out a remind for those of you still thinking about sending one in. DO IT! If you've entered all the previous contests or never before...this is your time! It's so much fun to see the different views and perspectives! Spring to me is all about new life! Especially this year cause we're expecting any day! AND the weather is supposed to be beautiful this week and I hope that means this baby is ready to come! Birth is beautiful and really messy! I'll be taking tons of pictures of course, but, don't worry I'll be censoring them before posting images on my worries!
Be encouraged...get out your camera and start shooting!
Spring is coming...Are you ready for another Photo Contest?
I AM! I miss the contests on this blog! All right you've had Easter, the first day of spring, sun and snow, and a string of "good-ish" weather's time! Get your camera's out and blow off the dust! It's time to take some works of art and submit them to the Noemiphotography Spring Contest!
As most of you regular readers know, I'm expecting my second baby in the next couple of weeks (or any day now!) so I'm going to give you lots of time to think this through and get me your NUMBER #1 photo (please only one picture per person).
All entires must be in by April 30th and it must have something to do with Spring! I'd really like to see you stretch yourselves. Try some of the things we've talked about on this blog and be daring! The sky is the limit and I can't wait to see what you come up with! Anyone can enter and as always my readers will pick the winner! You could win a $20 gift card to Itunes...and get all the American Idol songs if you want to!'s contest time!
The winter contest voting is officially closed...and the winner is...
Drum roll please... The winner of our 2007 Winter Photo Contest is:
April Sauers!!!!!
Congradulations April! I'm so excited for you! I'll get working on your itunes gift so you shop before Christmas!
Thank you to everyone who sent in a photo and to everyone else who voted...You made the contest a HUGE success! Of course, now we'll have to do another one in the spring! Get your thinking caps on for possibilities. ANYONE CAN ENTER AND ANYONE CAN WIN!
Christmas blessings to all!
The 1st Round Results of the Winter get to vote one more time!
I'm amazed at the overwhelming response to the contest! It was fun to see everyone pick their fav's and write their kind words! OKAY! So, I was going to pick the top five but we had a three way tie for fifth place so I'm including all of them in the final round! Here's your role as judge:
-Pick the picture you like the best!
-AND the picture that captures the season!
I've taken all the pictures into Lightroom and made some changes to the originals. So this has become a photo contest/slash photography learning session.
1. Rachel Greenhouse (Original Photo)
I took this image into Lightroom and added contrast, boosted the red, got rid of some of the haze. It's good to have a little white and black in your image to help make it "pop!"
2. Cheri Patton (Original Photo)
I didn't do a ton to this picture but, I did add some fill light so that we could see the whole face of the baby. I also moved the exposure up a bit to lighten the whole picture.
3. Holly Gantenbein (Original Photo)
I really liked the above picture and didn't really want to mess with it but, just for fun a desaturated the colors a little and added contrast. I thought it gave it a mystical look!
4. Becky Van Hofwegen (Original Photo)
I cropped out the yellow light in the background to enhance the black night and keep the focus on the kids. I punched the colors and added more warm tones too.
5. April Sauers (Original Photo)
I wanted to make this a winter wonderland shot! So, I lightened the whole picture, got rid of the distracting black on the top (she's now surrounded in white) and desaturated the color.
6. Jodi Keller (Original Photo)
Sometimes you can have too much happening in a picture so, I cropped it to focus in on the featured moment. Tip: It's important when cropping to keep the hands and feet in the shot.
7. Kacy Johanson (Original Photo)
I didn't do much to this image...I like it too much as is. Normally I'm totally against flash but it made a cool affect with the snow flakes. I lighten the image a little so you can see more detail.
OKAY! Now that these images have been changed a little we're going to vote again! Comment on the changes, the reason you like your choice the best, why it fits the criteria or anything else! We'll vote for two we'll close out on Saturday at midnight!
This is going to make a great extra Christmas gift for one of our finalists!
Happy Voting!
Just thinking...about Canada and Christmas w Family
I just laid my daughter down for her afternoon nap/quiet time/play in a dark room in your bed and make tons of noise for an hour and a's different every day! And I poured myself a cup of tea (cause I'm still Canadian at heart and tea warms my soul.)It's a Tim Horton's mug and anyone who's been to Canada knows Tim Horton's is the best coffee/tea place around AND it's on every corner, sometimes twice on the same corner :) Hmmm...thinking about's the little things I do in this season: listening to Christmas music, looking through my photo albums, walking through snow, seeing my breath in the air, looking at stockings hung, being quiet and watching the lights blink back at me from our tree, smelling pumpkin candle burning, reading cards, opening packages and putting gifts under the tree...everything leads up to a very special day and reminds me of family and home. I guess it's the feeling of being loved.
I've tried to combine Matt's traditions, my traditions and new family traditions we like to make Christmas ours. You know? I'm growing into an adult but, still wanting to be taken care of like when I was a kid. Christmas lets me do that. Am I weird? probably.
I guess I'm feeling reflective today. Must be all those Christmas/winter pictures you sent. They got me thinking! Thanks. Remember the voting ends tonight!
I think we're going to break my record for the most comments ever on one blog! I know you've got more friends out there that haven't given their opinion...get them on board! LOVE THIS!
Keep Voting!
I'll tally the votes at the end of tomorrow night. So, get your friends and family to play by Tuesday (December 18th) at midnight! We're narrowing it down then I'll enhance the top five and we'll vote again! Isn't this fun?
Winter Photo Contest Entries!!!
Okay, here's the entries for the "Winter Contest!" Remember you are a strict judge and you're looking for the image to follow the can't just be pretty - it's gotta pretty and seasonally correct! I put the contest out there and said we'd do two rounds so pick your top favorite! We're going with numbers instead of letters this time. Don't forget to make your comment and please, chose ONE ( not 2, or 3, or 4, cause it really messes up my counting)! You're narrowing down the list down to the top five!
NOTE: If your image is posted...rally the friends, family and any stranger with a computer and get them to vote for you!
Ohhh, this is so much fun! Tis' the season...
2. Melissa Quebedeaux
3. Becky Van Hofwegen
4. Cheri Patton
5. April Sauers
6. Julie Day
7. Jenny Pena
8. Rachel Greenhouse
9. Shelly Jerrett
10. Krista Bailey
11. Julie Bock
12. Kathleen Heger
13. Chandra Vig (winner of the fall photo contest!)
14. Holly Gantenbein
15. Katie Copeland
16. Misty Ray
17. Tania Niles
18. Kacy Johanson
I LOVE IT! Can't wait to see which ones you chose!
Winter Photo Contest
I've received a few entries but, if you're interested but haven't email your image still have time! I know it's a busy season but if you want an extra gift for Christmas (itunes gift card) you need to send me your image! I hope that's motivating enough!