For all you tea lovers!
My friend sent me this story/poem and it made me laugh! A Cup of Tea
One day my mother was out and my dad was in charge. I was maybe 1 and a half years old. Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as a gift and it was one of my favorite toys.
Daddy was in the living room... engrossed in the evening news and my brother was playing nearby in the living room when I brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea,' which was just water.
After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my Mom came home. My Dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!!'
My mom waited, and sure enough, here I come down the
hall with a cup of tea for Daddy and she watches him
drink it up, then says, 'Did it ever occur to you that the only place that baby can reach to get water is the toilet??'
Gross but, funny.
I'm 32 and 32 weeks! CRAZY!
I turned 32 years old today and I'm 32 weeks pregnant! It's a fun coincidence. I'm going out for a night on the town with my husband and looking forward to meeting up with friends afterwards. AND to top it off with style, Matt's taking me to a show and a night away this weekend! I am blessed. It's so fun to have things to look forward to :) I woke up this morning with a fresh blanket of snow on the ground. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Now the sun is out and it's all melting away. Seasons are changing and I can't wait for spring.
I'll be pulling out all my prego t-shirts for next week when I'll be in Las Vegas! I can't wait! There aren't going to be a lot of pregnant women at the conference...I'm sure I'll get lots of looks and sympathetic smiles but, it'll be worth it!Nothing very little I love more then learning and learning about photography really is the cream of the cake!
Birthday's always make me reflective. I was thinking of this past year and how much I've settled into myself. I know myself better and I know what I want out of life...more then that, I know what I want give in this life. I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and that order. I have been given so much and I know much will be required of me but, I'm ready and willing to give. I am so thankful for everyone in my life and my prayer is that they know how much they mean to me. You know who you are! Life is too short...I don't want to waste a minute.
Melting Snow
I've been feeling so great these last couple of days and I know it has to do with the potential season change. Melting snow is a welcome sight especially when you've been under it for four months! The weather is lightening up and it stirs hope. Everything seems brighter probably because I'm a firm believer that every day the sun shines is a good day! I love season changes...probably cause I'm one of those people who looks forward to what's ahead with anticipation...everything is exciting to me! Anyone else in this boat with me? Take time to breathe in the crisp air and turn your face toward the's a wonderful feeling.
Boy names
Well, I asked your opinion a few months back and trust me...I've been through your list of suggestions several times. We have a name we both like but can't agree on the spelling. Sounds dumb but, it might be the reason we don't use the name. Matt and I are both strong personalities and that's just the way it is. Someone left a comment asking about when we'll announce the name and the way we did it for Adriah was we found out what we were having and told everyone but, we wanted to have something really special to be able to announce at her birth (the date, time, weight and height just didn't cut it!) So, we kept the name a secret until the minute she arrived. We liked that method and we're going to use it again! So, I guess you'll have to keep reading and stay posted for the official word!
Thanks for all your suggestions.
Back from Canada
It's good to be home again. WOW! I can't believe how long it's been since I last blogged! That has to be a record for me! I want to say thank you to everyone for their prayers, love and support...your kind words have meant a lot to me!
My trip to Canada was really hard and really wonderful...sometimes even in the same moment. I feel closer to my family then ever and nothing can take that away. I'll forever miss my Grandma but, I'll hold onto the many memories we made! She was a trooper until then very end and I'm so thankful she didn't suffer long. She would've been 88 years old this August. It's a comfort to know she lived a full life.
I had very few pictures of my childhood and while staying in Windsor all four grandkids went through Grandma's pictures. I got some from her courtship with my Grandpa, their wedding, my mom growing up, my mom's wedding and so much more. These are my treasures now. They make me smile...and It means I can share my Grandma with my kids. I love pictures!!! These are moments that are gone but I'll be be able to hold onto forever.
Today...I'm nesting. I just want to clean everything and get my house sorted. They say it's part of pregnancy but, I never really bought into it. After today, I guess it's true. I haven't really done anything to prepare for this little boy...and now I'm kicking it in to high gear. It's so fun to look at blue little things.
On the way down to Canada I was reading a magazine and found a name the I actually liked...even more shocking is the fact that my husband likes it too. This is a first! We don't know if it's the keeper but, we finally have a front runner.
Well, it's back to work! And I can't wait to sink my teeth in.
My Grandma...Bernice Isabel McCabe
I'll never forget the date February 9th, 2008. It's the date I got the call from my mom saying my Grandma had died. Even though she was 87, it was a complete surprise to everyone. She was the only Grandma I ever really knew and she was more like an aunt then a Grandma to me! My mom's an only child and her dad died before I was born so Grandma was always a big part of our family. I wrote about my Grandma a few months back when she fell, broke her hip and we weren't sure if she was going to pull through it but, she did. She was doing well! Improving a little more every day but she was still in pain and that's exhausting.
So many things are going through my head as I plan the trek to Canada. I miss her already but, I can't wait to see my family and be with people who knew her like I did. It's weird but I want to be at her house right now...even if it's to just be around her things.
I've dealt with a lot of death through my friends this past year and I've learned a lot but, this is different...this time it's my Grandma. She's in a much better place and she has no pain now...that is comforting but, I miss her.
I have so many wonderful memories. I went through my photo albums with Matt last night and we laughed and cried together. I know it will be the same when I get to Canada and meet up with the rest of my family. I'm thankful for every moment I had with her and I have tons of memories to hold on to.
I know some of you have experienced grief by losing loved understand this time of disbelief, shock, confusion, relief, reflection, and so much more. Please think of my family this week and pray for us.
Women and their hair...
I don't understand what's up with women and their hair but, I know it's a very real phenomenon. I can tell you all about it because I've experience every kind of trauma and triumph! Here's a few questions and examples: 1. Why do we spend a year growing your hair to the longest it's ever been only to cut it on a whim? Is it the senseless goal and need to prove ourselves? Or the need for control?
2. Why spend $100+ on coloring & cutting? Is it the feeling of being catered to and spa-ized? Or because we want to say publicly, "We're worth it!" Only to have something to complain about later. 3. Why do women do drastic things to their hair when they're going through HUGE transitions in their life? Is it a silent cry for help? Or the need for power over something/ controlled change?
4. Why do we cry over our hair? (I have!) Why does a great cut or color make me feel like I'm top of the world? (I love flicking my hair after new color! My world looks brighter!)
5. Why is our hair so wrapped up in our identity? I remember describing my hair last last summer...the redhead with a "pastor wife" in the front and "rock star" in the back...this equaled a "cool" photographer in my mind!
The funny thing is I've always loved hair even as a little girl. I'm usually told that I should've become a stylist and maybe someday I will. I'm open to it but, right now photography's treating me pretty good!
I know you have good stories and I'd love to hear them.
Are you wondering what brought about this random topic. I had a friend come over and dye my hair tonight and we turned all the blonde bits pink...not good for a redhead! So we went to Walgreens, bought more dye and fixed it! It went from trauma to triumph in 2 hours. We even had time to add some cute new blonde bits. It's subtle but the process wasn't. It got me thinking about girls and their hair. Can't wait to hear your story :)
Leaning on Friends...
I've always thought of myself as a strong person but pregnancy, motherhood, maintaining a business, being a wife much more (all at the same time) can show you how weak you are. I love every aspect of my life and I wouldn't trade any of it but, today I am tired. I was on the phone for a couple of hours working out the details of new doctors, diabetes clinics and insurance...not my favorite. And, on top of everything, I found out that I'm not able to have midwives for my pre-natal care and the delivery. It's amazing how the little things add up and how little it take to send a pregnant woman to tears. I had my cry and I'm doing better. I have an appointment tomorrow and hopefully I'll get some answers. At this point I'm still wondering about everything little thing I eat. I want to do everything I can for my baby but, that's hard when I don't know what I'm doing. Seriously, any advice would be welcome. Plus, who knows, there might be another woman out there needing to be encouraged with the same info...I wouldn't be surprised. Thank you to all the mom's who wrote comments so far. It was really encouraging. Keep'em coming.
Gestational Diabetes
Okay, so this won't be your typical "photography" blog but, since I've never had a typical blog, I thought you wouldn't mind. I didn't have any issues with my first pregnancy and so far this one has been really easy. Two weeks ago I failed me glucose test and then last Friday failed my second test...bummer, eh? I haven't been able to talk to my doctor or anyone who can give me clear direction for my next steps and I don't want to go on the internet to read about everything that could go wrong so, I'm relying on close friends to surf for me and one even printed out a list of things I can eat! I should know more about the contents/nutrients of food but I don't. It's weird to be thinking before every bite now...I don't like it.
I want to know everything, have it memorized, have lists as reminders and move forward in the pregnancy. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have more clarity.
My biggest concern is the baby's health. In the past I've put weird stuff on my blog and received tons of helpful information so I thought I'd lay it out there one more time! I'll be 28 weeks on Thursday so I still have 12 weeks to go. Do you have any advice me?
I know everything is going to be fine but, as a woman I need to talk it through.
Thank you to the experienced mom's...
I can't thank you enough for your sound advice on potty training. You were sooo right about waiting until she was ready! It was the last day I would've chosen but, that's the way is right? On our vacation, while visiting Washington and going in and out of musuems, she decided she was done with diapers...and has gone 4-5 times a day since. I still have her in pull-ups cause she rarely asks me to go to the bathroom and sometimes I don't ask her in time. But, I'm running low and will switch to "Big Girl" underwear soon. It's funny the things you worry about as a parent. Really. My little girl is her own person and has always surprised me. It's good for me not to know-it-all.
For all the mom's worrying about something today...take a deep breath. You are not the first and you won't be the last but, I believe that you are the perfect parent for your child and if you need wisdom...all you have to do is ask!
Coming home from vacation!
I have mixed feelings about coming home. I've been home for 2 days and still there's stuff everywhere that needs to be washed and/or put away. Why is that so hard? My suitcase is open and I just need to clean it up...but, instead I find other things that are more important to do like spending time catching up with friends. Somehow I don't think I'm alone in this! I have to be's not easy to be inspired in below zero weather. My poor daughter has not transitioned well. When we're outside she starts moaning and saying, "Ouch mommy, it hurts!" Then she wants to be picked up and carried! For a pregnant mom in a puff-daddy jacket picking up my 32 pound toddler is the last thing I want to do! So, I try and find anything to distract her and it usually works.
I didn't give you the update on potty training. Of all places, Adriah decided she was ready at the Smithsonian and went four times in one day! She has continued to go 2-3 times a day and tonight had her first poop experience! It's gross but, I was so proud...and excited that my poopy diaper days may be coming to end :) Thank you for all your extremely helpful advice. If nothing else, I began to relax about the whole thing and it really has worked out well! I have 3 months til the next one comes so I think we're in good shape!
Alright, I'm going to turn on a good movie and clean. Nothing like a good movie to get me inspired! Tomorrow I'm going shopping! My daughter is growing like a weed and that means all her clothes don't fit. Thankfully, Old Navy and Children's Place are having their HUGE sales off their clearance stuff so I can restock!
Wow, this blog was really a lot of blah, blah, blah...but, for those of you who read daily you're used to my randomness!
Adriah Liberty Hedrick...
We arrived in Washington D.C.
WOW! It's an incredible city! It feels like New York but without the traffic. It took us ages to get here yesterday because of a van full (8 total) of hungry people and a pregnant woman who needs the bathroom all the annoying. But, in the world of technology we had movies, Ipods, music and more. I don't know how we made it anywhere when I was a kid. Actually I do know how we did it...lots of boredom, fighting, teasing, whining and more. Whew...I'm glad times have changed!
We did a ton today and I took lots of pictures but haven't had a chance to put them on my computer. You'll have to wait until tomorrow! I can't wait to see more.
Hope you're having a great week and staying warm. I heard the high in Minnesota today was -1! YIKES! Hopefully it warms up soon.
Exploring the area...
Here's some fun shots from our days of being out and about. Just something different to look at then snow! Adriah checking out all the pretty horses!
She's trying to tickle momma...
Adriah in a cotton patch! That's not something you see every day!
This was cool! We found some property owned by the Greenway and they've physically moved a couple of really cool homes to the premises. This is Billy Graham's grandparents home.
Hey...what's with the snow in SC?
My nephew was up at 3am trying to wake up everyone to go outside and play in the snow!!!! CRAZY! We got an inch or two which is nothing in Minnesota standards but the schools got delayed by 2 hours here! It's not my preference to have snow fall on my vacation but since we have it I thought it'd be fun to capture the boys and Adriah having fun in it!
Edventure Children's Museum
Matt and I took Adriah to a gorgeous children's museum an hour away from where we're staying. The funniest thing to us was the museum was featuring a "snow" exhibit and that was Adriah's favorite part! LOL. We fly across the country to get to warmer weather and she's missing the cold and snow! Here's some of the pictures we took from the day! Adriah is forced to say cheese...
Pretend camping...
Do we have a future dentist in the family...
Going shopping in a store her size...
Dancing in the snow...
AND for my Canada that keeps asking about my growing belly...I had Matt take some of me today. Being away, I've kinda lost track of what week I am...I think I'm at 24 weeks. I definitely feel bigger this time around and this little boy is a mover and a shaker! YIKES! Pregnancy pictures are's weird to go against the culture and say, "Here's how big I am? Isn't it cute?"
The Patriot...stepping into the movie!
We had such a great day! Matt, Adriah and I took a family day and went to the Historic Brattonsville in South Carolina. It was gorgeous out...well, gorgeous by Minnesotan was sunny and 55 degrees. I'll take it! This was the grounds that half of the movie "The Patriot" was filmed. I love stepping into another time...and even more then that, I love having my cameras along to be creative. Remember this house from the beginning? I guess they didn't really set it on fire.
I want to share some of our favorite shots with you! (I say "our" favorite because Matt had my second camera and the telephoto lens - one of the perks of owning a photography business!)
We loved that it was off season cause we were the only ones felt like we were walking around in a different time.
And remember the scene where the little boy hides under the table at the Aunt's plantation? This is where it was filmed.
If you're ever in the's a must see! Bring your own camera and go crazy! Here's the rest in a slide show...
Adriah loved the cats the most! Two year olds are so easy to please!
P.S. There's tons more to come...we're going to check out more of the area and take a trip to Washington D.C. for the weekend!
Reflecting on 2007...
Did you make any New Year resolutions? I usually do but not the kind that revolve around weight or fitness or habit breaking. Usually I'm trying to create some new habits because I just want to grow as a person. I usually sit down, look back and think about how I want to move forward! I want to plan ahead and be able to smile when I look back on a year and not have regrets...I'm one of those "moving forward" people! All the personality tests say that I'm overly positive and optimistic...and their right! I look through the lens of promise and hope for the best every year.  After the ups and downs of 2007, I'm looking forward to what new things are in store for us and our family.
This year is going to be about slowing down and building on the foundation that was laid in 2007. I'm ready to dive into business, invest in mentoring new assistants, learn from my mistakes and become an even better photographer.
It's also going to be about slowing down and enjoying family. Having a new baby forces you to do that! I'll have the spring to plan out the year of photography, have the baby at the end of April and then take time to adjust...I know I'm going to need it!
What are the big things you want to improve, change, learn from so that this year is better then the last? Let's encourage each other.
We made it to South Carolina!
It was so nice to arrive and walk outside without a coat on!'s January 7th! Today, I sat outside in 70+ degree weather and felt the sun on my face for the first time in months! It was so wonderful. We visit South Carolina about once a year cause Matt's sister and her family and Matt's parents live here! Not having seen them in 7 was a big reunion! I love spending time with our family. After 7 1/2 years of marriage, it's easy to say his family is my family too!
Tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous too! I was joking about with everyone tonight saying I was going to "lay out" tomorrow in my maternity bathing suit...just like the good old teenage days. LOL! Only I'm a few pounds heavier!
We don't have big plans for this week but we'll be enjoying the weather in whatever we do! Maybe I'll come back with more freckles...