Are you watching this year? I keep telling myself not to and i can't stop. I love this show. Getting to watch raw talent and then the freedom to sit on my couch and admire or critique. It's a beautiful thing. The last couple of weeks I've had my neighbor Jill over, we tivo the show and watch it without commercials. This is a show that must be watched WITH SOMEONE ELSE on the couch next to you. Growing up in a family of 6 (four kids) we always watched tv together and still to this day when something funny or sad happens on tv I look around the room for someone to share it with. (Matt always made fun of me for doing this at the club while walking on the treadmill - probably one of the reasons I've fallen off TWICE!) There is something so fun about watching a show that the whole country (or most of it) is watching too! I love RAW TALENT!
If you're watching who's your fav? I like Crystal - I'd like her to do an Eva Cassidy song sometime. And I like Shobin (sp?) I love people who can belt it out!