My family tree is filled with artists and in marrying Matt Hedrick I've added to my list of artists in acquaintance and wanted to share a few with you! I've mentioned my brother and sister-in-law (Alexander and Tiffany Albojer) and their incredible photography business in Oakville, ON.
And my father-in-law Tony Hedrick is an incredible watercolor painter...among his many talents!
And Matt's uncle Gary Brown is an accomplished photographer and oil painter.
While here in South Carolina Matt's cousin Aaron Morgan Brown had his paintings displayed at a local gallery and we went to check it out!
Isn't the detail on the chalkboard incredible? It's a painting that takes you into classroom and makes you feel like you're right there.
Adriah and Jake were keeping themselves occupied!
Daddy kept his daughter entertained by twirling her...she loved the gallery for that reason alone!
The painting below was featured in an art magazine and was one of our favorites!
for more info: