For those of you who are new to the NoemiPhotography blog family I want to personally welcome you! I've had this website for just over a year and in website terms that ancient! I'm ready to update everything: new look, new pictures, new galleries but, same ol' me! I'm so excited to show you my website! I've been working on it for the last couple of months and my favorite part is that I'll get to make changes to images throughout the year! We're going to make it "go live" hopefully by the end of the week. Please don't be discouraged if all the links aren't working right the first few days...we're going to need time to work out the kinks!
I'd love to hear your feed back (positive and constructive) cause I'm new to the creating your own website and I want it to be perfect! Let me know what you think.
Thanks for's so fun to have a blog!
P.S. I'm still working on the finalists pictures. I'll release them tomorrow.