OHHHhhh Canada!

We made it! We got here last night at 1:30am (12:30am Minnesota time)! Adriah did not nap the whole ride. She normally is in bed by 7:30pm and falls asleep sortly after, but not yesterday! She finally fell asleep at 10pm and that was because I was rubbing her head and tickling her face. And yes, she watched a ton of movies. I lost count of how many! How embarrassing.

To top it off, she ate tons of junk food...McDonald's, Fritos (chili flavor) and the old faithful Fruit Snacks! Nothing like a 12 hour car ride to make you undo everything you normally enforce with diligence. :)

Anyways, we all woke up at 9am, had Tim Horton's bagels and cream cheese; a very Canadian breakfast! Matt and Wayne (my step-dad) have been working all morning tearing down a shed and Adriah went for a swim with her Grandma...life is good.

It's a gorgeous day. Perfect breeze. The kind of day that forces you to stop, point your face towards the sun, breathe deep and smile!

My sister, brother and nephews arrive today! Their driving up from Toronto. So, that makes 7 adults and 3 kids in a 2 bedroom house! We (Matt and I) have graciously said we'd sleep outside in a tent. I can't remember the last time I slept in a tent. I'm praying for no little (or big) critters to come and visit.  

Enough babbling for today. I'll get some pictures up tomorrow!


Noemi Hedrick

Noemi Hedrick is a passionate wedding and portrait photographer based in Minneapolis. Noemi loves capturing the beauty inside every person. Her vibrant energy for life, love and family are grounded in her own values and loved ones. Noemi has been proudly serving as a wedding photographer for over 15 years and also offers a wide range of photography workshops for professional and amateur photographers.